Late last month I wrote about a man here in Budapest repeatedly slapping a woman in public. I wrote that I was disappointed by my own inaction. I went on to point out that my lack of initiative may stem, in part, from my time living here in Budapest.
Dan quoted these lines from the post before stating his reaction: "The idea that one person's fortitude can change the way of the world has been pissed on by both history and politics[here in Hungary]. This has left an atmosphere of apathy that is hard to overcome."
Dan then went on to say, "Indeed. This is why-after the protesters have all gone home (or on paid holiday)-Europe needs the "American Gun-Slinger" after all."
The image of the American gunslinger is an interesting choice. As an icon, the gunslinger is forever taking the law into his own hands - but not necessarily because the law has failed. The gunslinger belongs to the semi-mythic untamed West, a uniquely American setting where the law has yet to catch up with evil-doers. This very American folk hero speaks to core beliefs that set the stage for one of the more interesting cultural conflicts between the US and Europe.
Since Antiquity, Europe has held that the government serves a vital role in the lives of its citizens, an irreplaceable role. Here in Europe, the idea that one person can step in to serve justice or offer protection to 'The People' is viewed as an American concept, as an overly-optimistic idea, and as somewhat silly. Even England's most famous outlaw was serving the establishment - protecting the Crown in the name of the true King.
Last week, when I failed to step in and stay the hand of that man, I noted that I was not alone. The tram was full of people, all of whom couldn't be bothered to raise their voices in protest. And why? Last month I blamed Hungarian history, but Dan's point about the gunslinger adds an interesting dimension. Keeping the peace on the streets of Budapest is someone's job. More specifically, in the case of the incident on the tram, it is someone else's job. You see, I pay an obscene amount of taxes so that the government will keep this city clean and safe enough for me to go about my business.
Budapest is struggling after a difficult half-century. We'll call it a work in progress.
Paris is an better example. Parisians are allowed to litter. Their dogs can defecate wherever they please. The Parisian government built a tremendous sewer system with open drains on every street; all day and night street-sweepers march through the city sweeping filth down the drains. The city is fantastically clean, but not because of the citizens. It is because of the government.
When I lived in New York, if your dog took a shit on the sidewalk and you left it there, you were likely to hear from one of your fellow New Yorkers. "Hey, fuckhead, clean up after your god-damned dog." Ah, New York. Good times.
But that concept, that it is a citizens' right to stand up for civil justice, that strikes me as an American conviction.
We love our gunslingers. We love the individual who will stand up against injustice when the establishment is corrupt, absent, or powerless. We can't get enough of our Dirty Harrys, our Martin Luther Kings, our Billy the Kids, or our Thomas Jeffersons.
They come in a range of beliefs and values, but their conviction that one person is enough to change things for the better sets them apart from what I witnessed last month on that tram.
I hope in jotting down these reflections I remember to hold onto some of that gunslinger justice.
What you are dancing around is the basic difference between Europeans and Americans:
American individualism and European collectivism.
This manifests itself in a myriad of socio-economic ways.
The reason you have any guilt about not standing up to the gypsy is cuz you are an American. Everyone else on the tram forgot about what happened the second the gypsies departed the tram.
I don't think I'm dancing around US-European differences. I think I'm exploring them in a rather pointed manner. Thus the sentences like, "...set[s] the stage for one of the more interesting cultural conflicts between the US and Europe."
The "myriad of socio-economic" differences are exactly what I'm trying to explore in most of the stuff I post here. It's an attempt to explore them in first-person detail - an attempt to see them with less of the distortion that politics, trade, and media create.
As for your last two sentences, you do manage to sum up what my post is about, but as a European (I assume)can you offer any more insight? Why is it that Europeans (your generalization, not mine) think it is acceptable for a woman to be beaten in public. Am I close with the assertion that many here think the task of maintaining civil order falls squarely on the shoulders of civil servants? Or is there something else?
I'm excited to have a European voice on the boards here, but could you offer more than summary?
funny thing about dogs pooping in paris. i've see it first hand, and indeed the owners of the beasts leave the crap behind. (some americans do this too, and it is one of the reasons my father hates dogs, and i find it funny that my father finds the dog more at fault then the owner of said dog). so ya i've seen the people of paris leave the cleaning of the streets to the little road/side walk cleaners. and even with all that work to keep paris clean, i felt the city was dirty. as i travel i'll try to keep a eye open for these "average joe" gunslingers.
Why is it that Europeans (your generalization, not mine) think it is acceptable for a woman to be beaten in public. Am I close with the assertion that many here think the task of maintaining civil order falls squarely on the shoulders of civil servants? Or is there something else?
1) You are right --- again back to European collectivism/paternalism. The government should take care of this etc etc
2) They were gypsies, and no one wants to be shivved by a gypsy. I cannot say that I would have intervened either. After all, did the gypsy woman call for help? Probably not, I assume. Why didn't she go get a policeman? One could argue that she really didn't want any help. Especially not from an 'outsider' ---- most people know very little about gypsy culture, but what everyone should know is that gypsies view non-gypsies (ironically) as unclean as well as fair marks for their crimes. You don't hear about this, b/c that would entail the various gypsy human rights organizations admitting that gypsies, in fact, are racist.
Some decent info on gypsies can be found here:
I'm excited to have a European voice on the boards here, but could you offer more than summary?
Sorry. I am sort of a curt guy.
Thank you. I think it is a fair assessment of the situation, and it get at something I have trouble broaching because of my double-outsider status.
It was no accident that I noted the couple's ethnicity. And it gets at how different race relations are here compared to the States.
As far as the paternalist ideals go, I can see what your saying - I even witness examples of it on the street, but I do struggle to understand it. But I do appreciate hearing your side of the concept.
Your blog entries are very interesting and compelling. I look forward to reading more.
In your post you write:
"But that concept, that it is a citizens' right to stand up for civil justice, that strikes me as an American conviction."
It is an American conviction, but more broadly, it’s a Revolutionary culture; which is after all what America (not just the U.S.) is. All of the Americas (except Canada) are the results of some revolution or another from an imperial power. It is so entrenched in our enculturation, heroes and myths (as you pointed out). For example Latin America venerates their revolutionary heroes as much as we do ours.
It cannot be understood by simply classifying a culture as individualist or collectivist. That oversimplifies complex difference to the point that it is not useful. Yes, we are individualistic culture, but more importantly, we are a revolutionary culture, a land where rebels are a good thing. I will always be a product in many ways of the American mythos, and it does give me some insight into how Americans view world events differently then that would in say Norway or China. The Iraq war, and refusal to agree to international air pollution limits are just resent examples of these values at work, while most of the rest of humanity shakes their heads in disbelief. This trait we have can be adaptive in some situations, but can be counterproductive in others.
I for one will always be a soldier of the Rebel Alliance, and will fight the Empire to the death.
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