
Sunday, November 20, 2011

#Occupy at UC Davis

This is the video of yesterday's incident at UC Davis. There are plenty of reasons to watch the entire +8 minutes.

I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Education at UC Davis. A lot of the work I do here is with the University Writing Program, because my interests involve the improvement of instruction and access to early undergraduate writing courses.

Over the course of the past year and two months, I have worked with over 300 UCD undergraduate students from a large variety of majors and backgrounds. That's a pretty good sample. So I feel confident when I say this: UC Davis undergraduate students are intelligent, driven, reasonable, and articulate people.

The group that was protesting this week did not come out to demonstrate because they are lazy or because it's what the hip kids are doing or because they want someone else to pay for their mistakes or because they love urban camping.

The protesters in the video above are students at a competitive public university where the estimated cost of a 5-year education (the average time it takes to graduate) is $154,000 - that's the cost of a home in this region. And the price of that education is likely to go up even while the UC puts austerity measures in place.

Not my generation, nor any before my own had such a price tag attached to higher education. 

The UC Davis students are protesting because they have the critical capacity to evaluate the system in which they are participating; they recognized that the deck has been stacked against those who earn less. They have also recognized that it is not enough to sit at home and whine about how unfair that seems.

Those students decided, "If the democratic system in which we participate is unfair, we need to make our voices heard." So they demonstrated peacefully while maintaining contact with the authorities at the school.

Like I wrote, they are intelligent, driven, reasonable, and articulate people. I am proud to study and work at a university with such an impressive student body - a group that not only believes in participative democracy, but also is capable of remaining civil in the face of hostility and violence. The students in that video are amazing and deserve the University's respect.

They certainly have mine.

I am troubled to be associated with a University where administrators and safety officers will bend the rule about camping one day, only to reinstate it the next through the use of violence and arrests.

However, as the students in the video assert, "This is our University."

To those who would assume otherwise, "You can go."


Marton Varadi said...

This is unbelievable. Does not make me feel more respectful towards the police.
Also, I think that general level of freedom has been decreasing since the western world does not have a common enemy.

I have to add though, that a proper level of education can not exist without the proper funds. Overpricing might be the issue if I understand correctly.

Not linked to the subject, but I would definitely attend a "professor Hayes" class! :)

MHayes said...

My wife and I visited my brother Hogan and his family at UC-Davis from Chicago last month for the first time, where he took me on a tour of the campus he so proudly attends and teaches at, a smile on his face the entire time. We discovered an amazing city with incredible people (its farmer's market being a highlight). And now its shocking that in such an educated, affluent and worldly community such an atrocity could occure. I am so proud of my older brother for his rational and intelligent comments on such a sad event occuring in his community. But I am even more proud he is using his intelligence and talent to bring such injustices to light. If we all use our time and voices in such a way, we all will be better off. Thank you Hogan for being a mentor to not only me but to also those who read this. Your loving brother, Myles Hayes

Nathan Milos said...

In light of Monday's salary increases for people already making $200,000 a year, it would be interesting to see what students actually get for their $154,000.00. How many classes would the average student have taught by adjunct and lecture faculty? How many taught or graded by graduate students? How many by tenure track faculty? And what percentage of the $154,000.00 goes to actual teachers versus support services versus administrative costs.