
Friday, February 02, 2007

Feeling Low

I’ve spent my birthday and most of Groundhog’s Day sick. Horrible sick, like I can’t get out of bed. Walking the dog takes everything out of me. But I’m not writing for mercy, I have a question.

Earlier this week, Dora had the same thing I have now. She left work early one day, and missed the next workday. That’s about the same amount of time I’ve missed, but there’s something about the way she suffered – well, she didn’t really suffer. That's just it. She was uncomfortable and lacked energy. She had a headache and a cough, same symptoms as me. But she didn’t seem to be in nearly as much pain as me.

I know I’m a huge baby when it comes to being sick, but Dora was telling me that in general, men suffer more then women when sick. I guess it’s an old stereotype I didn’t know about.

My question to readers is: In your experience, compared to women, do men become more of the martyr when they feel ill? And if so, why do you think that is?


chumpo said...

first off, HAPPY BDAY GAINER! dude solid, you're 31 now just moments before i go that route.

ya i was sick this earlier this week. missed a day, and worked remotely for 3 days. i had a mini cold and some stomach issues that kept me near a familiar toilet.

yes i suffer A LOT when i'm sick. i've had all sorts of friends here in austin come to my rescue when i get sick. i just hate "the life" when i'm sick.

i can't think of a girl really getting sick besides my sister. she bares the burden quite well, but i have no other insite to the male vs. female, or as i sometimes call them felame, sickness meter.

Kelsey said...

Oh my gosh yes! From my dad to my husband and including all the little boys who were ever sick in my class, men have a teenage drama queen beat any day of the week when it comes to being sick. I have two theories about this.

1) When you are in charge of the kids, as women have been for so many years, you may not act sick because there is often no one else to do your job. It's just not a choice, being sick. Now I know that childcare has evolved in recent years, with men being larger participants in many cases, but perhaps it's one of those throw backs from our cave person days.

2) Women menstruate, which, for most of us, means we are supremely uncomfortable at least a couple of days every four weeks. For some it's an entire week of discomfort. You learn to stop complaining and just suck it up for the most part. I feel as bad one day a month as if I had the flu, but I could never miss one day of work or school each month. So we learn to deal.

There you go.

Jean said...


Was thinking of you yesterday on your birthday but did not make it off my cyber-ass to stop by here to say happy birthday before the day was gone. So sorry to find out that it was not so happy after all.

William is a big whiner about being sick, but then again, so am I. When we have the same thing (which thankfully doesn't happen too often) he is usually sicker than I. And again, acts more miserable and needy, but I really believe it just hits him harder.

Anyway, on a different note, I no longer live in what some believe to be the center of the universe, Wash. DC. I've moved to Providence, RI and am unreachable at my old email. You can get me at though.

Hope you feel better soon, Hogan.
